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Botox & Fillers

Botox & Fillers

Botox is an injectable treatment designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by targeting muscle contractions. Botox helps maintain the skin's smoothness by keeping these muscles relaxed, preventing unwanted creases. Since 2002, Botox has been a popular choice for combating common signs of aging and is increasingly embraced by younger patients seeking "rejuvenation." This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure has become widely sought-after for its consistent and effective anti-aging results.

Our Nurse Injectors bring extensive experience and anatomical knowledge to administering Botox treatments. Residents of Parker, Colorado, can benefit from her expertise, achieving natural-looking and revitalized results. To explore the potential of this versatile cosmetic treatment for yourself, schedule a consultation at our Parker, Colorado, offices. Contact us at (720) 851-2225 to learn more!

Unlocking the Benefits of Botox

Botox harnesses the strength of Botulinum toxin type A, a key ingredient with a proven track record in medical applications since 1989. [1] It has delivered outstanding results for patients seeking treatments for both medical and aesthetic concerns. Extensive clinical studies have firmly established Botox as a secure and efficient remedy. Moreover, numerous peer-reviewed medical publications have further endorsed Botox treatments' effectiveness over the years. For millions of patients worldwide, the outcomes of Botox treatments speak volumes about its impact.

Understanding the Mechanism of Botox

As we age, the natural decline in collagen production leads to the development of wrinkles, posing a challenge for those desiring to maintain a youthful appearance. Facial expressions can accentuate these unwanted creases and lines. Enter Botox – its active component, Botulinum toxin A, originates from a specially engineered bacteria strain. When administered into the muscles, it interrupts the communication between the brain and the muscle, inhibiting full muscle contraction. This action prevents the formation of "dynamic wrinkles," offering patients smoother skin and a composed, unblemished appearance devoid of stress-induced wrinkles. Furthermore, patients can postpone the onset of standard aging lines by averting the development of these wrinkles.

Unveiling the Versatile Benefits of Botox

Botox has a well-established history of delivering countless patients a rejuvenated, youthful appearance. This rapid injection offers a multitude of cosmetic advantages.

What Botox Can Achieve:

  • Smoothing away wrinkles around the mouth, nose, eyes, and brow
  • Preserving a youthful appearance by preventing the future formation of lines and wrinkles
  • Enhancing facial features such as the chin and jawline [2]
  • Improving the appearance of the upper lip with a Botox "lip flip."
  • Relaxing the muscles around the mouth to alleviate a "gummy" smile
  • A swift and uncomplicated procedure without downtime

Beyond diminishing wrinkles, Botox extends relief from the following symptoms:

  • Excessive sweating and sweaty palms
  • Muscle spasms
  • Bruxism and excessive jaw clenching
  • Chronic migraines

Finding the Ideal Candidates

The undeniable benefits of Botox make it an effective solution for addressing signs of aging. Botox is suitable for healthy individuals who are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are experiencing an active acne or viral skin outbreak, it is advisable to reschedule your treatment until your skin clears up. Botox is not recommended for patients with certain neuromuscular diseases or conditions. However, for other candidates seeking treatment for non-aesthetic ailments, Botox can be a life-changing option.

For further information and to address your concerns, questions, and aesthetic goals, we invite you to schedule an informative meeting at our offices or call (720) 851-2225. You can also see the results by browsing our Instagram page.

About Your Consultation

During your consultation, we will begin with a brief examination as part of the new patient intake process. Feel free to discuss your desired results, whether it involves wrinkles, fine lines, or other concerns. We will carefully listen and understand your goals to determine the most suitable treatment, Botox, or another cosmetic option. If Botox is deemed appropriate, we will schedule your treatment date. In the meantime, please follow the pre-treatment instructions to ensure the best experience during your care.

To initiate the process, schedule a consultation online at our Parker, Colorado, or Aurora, Colorado offices or call (720) 851-2225.

Simple Preparations

Preparing for Botox treatment is easy and non-surgical, requiring only a few instructions. To get ready for your treatment, you will be asked to:

  • Refrain from taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications as directed
  • Avoid alcohol the day before and after the treatment

The Fast Procedure

To ensure your comfort during Botox treatment, we will first apply a topical anesthetic to the targeted area(s) to numb the skin. Once you're comfortable, our expert Nurse Injector will administer injections into the muscles along the area of concern. Botox will then gradually inhibit muscle contractions that cause wrinkles.

The Days After Botox Treatment

After your Botox procedure, you may experience temporary discomfort, tingling, and swelling, which should subside within a few days. It's important to refrain from touching the treated areas during this time. [3]

Unmistakable Results

Most patients notice results within two days and achieve full results within two weeks. [4] At that point, patients will have a smoother and more youthful-looking complexion. The effects of Botox typically last for approximately four months. To maintain their results, many patients schedule "touch-up" sessions every few months as part of their skincare routine.

Cost of Botox Treatment

The cost of your Botox treatment will be determined by the area being treated and the number of cosmetic units used during the procedure. Specific pricing concerns will be addressed during your consultation. Beyond Human is committed to offering financial assistance to make Botox treatment more accessible to our patients.

Read FAQs

Botox Consultation
Fillers Consultation

Botox is a safe and FDA-approved treatment for addressing signs of aging. It temporarily blocks signals that cause muscle contractions.

On average, Botox results typically last up to four months. The actual duration of the effects may vary based on the patient, the treated area, and the amount of cosmetic units used. Patients are encouraged to have subsequent sessions to prolong the beneficial effects of Botox.

Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic injection administered into the muscles of the targeted area using an extremely fine needle. A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin to ensure maximum comfort during the treatment.

Most patients appreciate the convenience of fitting the treatment into their lunch break or busy schedule. Typically, a Botox session lasts 10-15 minutes.

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